“As a Fellow Overlander
Through and Through…Not Only Do I Get to Truly See the World,
I Get to Taste, Smell, Hear and Touch it, Too!”–Ferenc Elekes,
Even the most breathtaking Nature film, shown on a giant iMAX screen, can’t hold a candle to the experience of actually being there.
It’s the difference between sitting as a spectator on the sidelines and living life as an action star who’s in the show, having amazing experiences that will turn into memories that last a lifetime.
On the road, almost from the start.
I remember, as a real young kid, my dad taking me out for extended trips, just tooling around the countryside and venturing to far-off towns in Europe.

It seemed like the most natural thing in the world – doesn’t everybody do this? So going to places unknown has always been at the center of my interest.
Also as a kid, I was obsessed with cars, especially sports cars, naturally. I loved the power, the excitement, the freedom.
Recently, my 1978 Toyota Land Cruiser FJ40 and my 2006 Toyota Land Cruiser Prado with a roof-top tent were what made my heart race for its ability to take me even further afield. This is still the case, but our current vehicle of choice is a 4×4 Iveco Turbodaily, a beast!
Needless to say, overlanding combines these two great loves: fantastic cars and world travel!
I can’t go any further without introducing my better half: the incomparable Evelin (like Cher, only one name is needed), also from Budapest. We’ve been blissfully together since 2014. A few years later we both quit our day jobs, committing ourselves to the Overlander lifestyle full time.
We love to boldly go where
Google Maps fears to tread.
There’s the tourist experience and then there’s the Overlander experience. The highest points of our travels have almost invariably happened in some small, remote village or on an off-off road. I’ve come to believe that the vast majority of “ordinary” people are genuinely kind and welcoming, often very sweet.
One example: while driving with a couple of friends from London to Mongolia (this was B.E., Before Evelin), we broke down in a very remote village in Tajikistan, near Afghanistan. It was almost midnight, and we weren’t sure what to do.
But some locals turned up (the same people whom we failed to help earlier that day out of fear and ignorance) and let us spend the night in their home. We were fed and had a roof over our heads that night, and the next day they even fixed our truck. Total strangers!
Another time, we were in Laos camped next to a beautiful river when kids from the nearby village turned up with their spear-fishing rods and diving goggles to catch their lunch.
They quickly made a fire and grilled their freshly caught fish right there and invited us – again, total strangers – to partake.
I’ve learned that when you embark into the unknown,
it sure helps to know certain things ahead of time.
Obviously, you may encounter situations where you can’t depend on the kindness of strangers, but you can look to this website for advice and guidance.
In fact, that’s why I started it. Because I love overlanding so much, I want to share it with everyone, and I know to do that, I need to help others create their own adventures.

So it’s our mission to help the community grow by putting the right information out there for others to access it.
On our site, you’ll find loads of content that cover virtually all facets – from how to get your trip sponsored, how to deal with hygiene issues and how to handle mechanical problems to why overlanding is becoming even more appealing, how to develop camping and outdoor skills as well as what gear is essential and what to leave at home.
Other resources you can freely access include informative articles, cool YouTube videos plus podcasts about us and with us.
I want you to think of us as your advance scout.
Your trusty guide who’s already been where you want to go.
So far I’ve been to six continents and well over 70 countries. Evelin is up to four continents but has her sights set on the other two as well!
I have a case of wanderlust that is destined to never be sated so Evelin and I will definitely be blogging, on Instagram and Facebook as well as doing podcasts and whatever new formats come along.
We’ll still be out there, sending dispatches from the wild to our brethren Overlanders worldwide.

We hope you’ll visit this website often to see what’s new!
Contact Us or go to Home Page.